Now that we’ve resolved all the life or death conflicts in Bluewater Rendezvous, Liz and I have had a chance to sit down and talk things through. I don’t think she’s completely satisfied with my answers, but at least she understands how I feel. Oops! I’d better clarify that. She understands how I feel about kissing and telling. Even I don’t understand how I feel about Ralph Suarez. He’s an enigma, for sure.
Speaking of him, he played a behind-the-scenes role in this latest adventure. I was worried right up until the end that he was going to drop in on us. Unless there’s a rewrite, I’m out of the woods, but who knows? Talk about nervous! I can stay cool in some pretty tough situations, but that’s my job. There’s something else going on where that guy’s concerned. I suspect that this isn’t over yet.
At least it’s going to be on the back burner for a while, though. Bud has to deal with the editing and publication of Bluewater Rendezvous, and my sly friend, Connie Barrera, is already up to something. She and Paul are taking delivery of their new boat, and she’s got Bud focused on their next adventure as they sail from Maine to the islands.
I’m relieved. That gives me time to think about Ralph Suarez without being center stage in another book while I’m doing it.
Thanks again, and Bud asked me to mention that Bluewater Rendezvous should be in the Kindle Store in a couple of weeks.
Great post once again! I love that this character talks about what she'll be doing off screen. After reading books, I often wonder what those people are doing!!
I love the way you allow your characters a moment in the light with these blogs but then again, your schizo is really showing. LOL. Love it. May have to consider something like this when I release my next novel.
Me too, Nichole!!
I read once that men use words far less than women. Now that was talking about conversation. With all these women and conversations running around in your head, do you have any words left for chatting with the wife? LOL
Onisha (don't own my ID again according to WP)
Do you find these posts are giving you new material for the novels - that is, are they sparking new ideas?
This is something I may steal one day - letting my characters run my blog post... you know, I really am going to do this - it's great.
I wonder, too, but now I'm finding out.
It's fun, Bob. You think I'm just making up her posts? Don't tell her that; she's got quite a temper.
I still manage to carry on conversations with her, but sometimes it gets confusing, especially when Dani's on a roll.
Yes, they are giving me some ideas, Scott. It's interesting to take the character outside the confines of a story and see what happens. In this case, her personality is strong and well-developed, at least in my mind. I can guess what she might say or do in a number of situations that haven't yet come up in the series. This interest in Ralph Suarez is an example.
Give it a try! I've gotten a kick out of it, and as I mentioned in response to Scott, it's given me some new ideas for where I might take the series.
Glad to see you're coming to grips with the way things are done lady! LOL!!!
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with characters who try to take over my real life. :-)
I love how characters take on a life of their own. Very creative blog idea!
Loving this concept, great work - fantastic.
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