Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life's a Ditch is available for Kindle!

Life's a Ditch is available from the Amazon Kindle Store.  I'm waiting on a paperback proof; the paperback should be released in about a week.

When my wife and I decided to run away to sea, we thought we knew what we were doing.  Our first few months on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, or “the Ditch,” disabused us of that notion.  Our seamanship was adequate, but our expectations weren't realistic.  Life's a Ditch isn't so much about where we went and what we saw during our time in the Ditch, but about how we reacted to it and how our lives were changed by our experiences.  Share the surprises we had and  the choices that we made as we discovered what we got ourselves into when we abandoned our comfortable life ashore to become seagoing wanderers.

If you enjoyed Dungda de Islan', you'll like Life's a Ditch.  If you haven't read Dungda de Islan' yet, read Life's a Ditch first.  It describes our early life afloat, before we left on our Caribbean adventure.  If you would like to sample Life's a Ditch, just follow the link to the Amazon Kindle Store and click on the cover to look inside; you can read the first part of the book online.

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