Bluewater Target is available for pre-order in the Kindle Store. The official release date is July 18, 2018. There's a limited-time price for early pre-orders, so act now. The price will be going up soon.
CLICK HERE to go to the Amazon page and place your pre-order. Your copy will be downloaded to your device on the release date.
Bluewater Target is the fifteenth novel in the Bluewater Thriller Series.
The Story:
Marie LaCroix is planning an assassination in Washington.
She wants to use the yacht Vengeance as her base. Marie has approached Dani Berger, who runs the charter yacht with her partner, Liz Chirac. Dani is an adrenalin junky; she's ready for action. But what about Liz?
Join the three friends on their storm-tossed sail from Martinique to the Chesapeake Bay. Watch them plan their hit. Their target is a killer himself. Will he turn their plans against them?
Read Bluewater Target and find out. You'll enjoy the ride.
In my last post, I mentioned that my description of Vengeance's voyage from Martinique to the Chesapeake Bay was based on one of the most recent sailing trips my wife and I made. We sailed the route that Vengeance follows in Bluewater Target. We chose that route for the same reasons Dani and Liz did -- to avoid a big storm system in the North Atlantic.
Plans based on weather forecasts don't always work the way we expect, as the women on Vengeance discovered.
Here's another repost from our sailing blog describing the effect that weather has on sailing voyages. While we experienced this in a different part of the Caribbean, it illustrates the experience of 'beating into the wind.' In Bluewater Target, Vengeance was beating into the wind on her way through the Old Bahama Channel.
From Voyage of the Play Actor
May 25, 2015
Living What I Write, Part III:
This morning |
Next Tuesday morning |
The little things that look like hockey sticks scattered across the weather maps show the wind direction. The number of 'barbs' in the hook show the relative wind strength. These winds are all in the 10 to 15 knot range, and that's a pleasant sailing breeze. The blue areas are rain -- the darker, the heavier.
If you look at the red dotted line on this morning's weather map, you'll see the route that we would have to follow to reach Antigua if we were sailing today. Having the wind in our face doesn't mean we couldn't get there, but it would take us almost twice as long as it will take on next Tuesday morning, when we can sail right along the black dotted line. That's about a 14 hour trip to cover the 90-odd miles, instead of the 20-plus hours that it would take if we were doing it today. Of course, these forecasts are every bit as accurate as the ones that you get for your local weather.
The other option, if we were on a tight schedule, would be to use our engine to drive straight into the wind, but that makes for an unpleasant ride. Aside from the noise and vibration, we would be plowing directly into the wind-driven waves. The ride would be rough and the spray would be flying, and we would miss the stabilizing effect of the sails. That means we would also be rolling a good bit with the ocean swell. So, we're waiting for weather, even though it's a beautiful day in St. Martin -- 80 degrees, partly cloudy, with a nice breeze, blowing straight from where we want to go. It's "Nassaba, mon. Jus' wait. Soon come." (Nassaba means not so bad, in the local patois.) as they say down here. We hope that you have nice weather wherever you are.
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